Discover the Inner Sai
It’s a sacred offering, born from our profound love and gratitude for Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba on His 100th Birthday, honouring His unconditional love and dedication for 100 years, during which He authored the Vahinis over 26 years.
As we pondered how to make this centenary year truly special, and how best to express our love and commitment to Him, we sought guidance. In response, He inspired us to initiate Sai Anveshana—a quest to discover the Inner Sai through His Vahinis, led by the young adults of the UK.
This is more than a study circle; it’s a race for His grace. As a united team, we’ll decode His teachings through shared materials, engaging activities, and collective practice, navigating the spiritual scoreboard of Sai.
April – September 2024: Laying the Foundation
September 2024 to July 2025: Delving into the Depths
July 2025: The Grand Revelation
In this captivating 9-month quest, we’ll traverse the realms of spirituality, shedding light on the timeless teachings of Sri Sathya Sai Baba. Join us as we uncover the mysteries of the universe and delve deep into the essence of existence, nurturing unity and inner transformation along the way.
Eternal Objectives
Initiate a Spiritual Quest
Immerse yourself in the sacred teachings of Sri Sathya Sai Baba’s Vahini series, igniting the flames of self-discovery and spiritual evolution.
Illuminate Swami’s Teachings
Illuminate the path of wisdom by translating Swami’s profound teachings into tangible actions that enrich daily life.
Strengthen the Sai Bond
Forge unbreakable bonds of love and camaraderie, weaving a tapestry of support with Young Adults across the nation.