Sai Inspires
Why shouldn’t we get distracted and stay focused on our goal and aim of life? Bhagawan lovingly and firmly guides us today.
Life is a short play on the stage. This body is like a bubble. The mind is always fickle. In Gita, Arjuna confesses to Krishna that the mind, which is constantly vacillating, is difficult to control. Nevertheless, man has to concentrate on his true destination. What is this destination, the goal and the aim of life? The Bhagavata and the Bhagavad Gita have made this clear. Our destination is the source from which we came. As long as the individual is caught up in the prakriti (phenomenal world), his mind will be unsteady and vacillating. The Vedic declaration, "Soham" (He is I) is demonstrated by the inhaling done during breathing. When you exhale and utter "Aham," you are giving up the "I". "So-ham" proclaims the identity of the individual and the Divine ('I am He'). This identity will not be understood as long as one is caught up in the tentacles of the material world.
- Divine Discourse, Feb 11, 1983.
News & Announcements
SSSO UK Service Activities
Sai Bhajan Droplets - UK
This is a humble offering by Sai Youth of the UK, at the lotus feet of our Beloved Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, where those youth who have been blessed with the wonderful divine gifts of singing and playing instruments, are offering (samarpan) this prasadam to our Beloved Swami, thus completing the circle of Love. Please click here to listen.