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Rudra Maha Yagnam
Rudra Maha Yagnam

With Bhagwan’s Divine Blessings and as a part of the Centenary Celebrations of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, there will be a Sri Sathya Sai…

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Sai Inspires

Sai Inspires

What is the significance of performing Yajnas and why do we use a sacred fire for the ritual? Bhagawan clearly explains to us today.

It is the Sun God who carries to the deities concerned the offerings made in the yajna. Agni, the God of fire, is an image of the Sun. The flames arising from the fire are the tongues of the Fire-God. The rays coming from the fire are so many heads of the deity. The Agni-Principle is immanent in every person. The inner significance of this is that every person is inherently divine. When the mantras are chanted and offerings are made in the fire to the Lord, the grace of the Lord is showered on the people in the form of peace and plenty. There is a saying: "As is the fire, so is the smoke." As is the smoke, so are the clouds. As are the clouds, so is the rain. As is the rain, so are the crops. As are the crops, so is the food. As is the food, so is the intellect. As the clouds these days are not formed by the smoke coming from yajnas, the food consumed by the people is not conducive to the growth of intelligence. When the smoke going up from the yajna kunda enters the clouds, you have sacred rain, which helps to purify the crops and sanctify the food that is consumed. As a result, the people are sanctified.

- Divine Discourse, Oct 03, 1989.