True education lights the road to enlightenment, not just of the intellect and how humans should live in society but also of the soul. All of these play an important part in self-transformation and fostering the next generation of citizens.
Sri Sathya Sai Baba explains these interconnections in a very logical way:
“Only if education is blended with culture will it shine forth as true education. What is culture? It is the cultivation of discrimination between good and evil, sin and merit, and truth and untruth that we experience in our daily life. It is also removal of one’s evil thoughts, feelings and qualities, and cultivation of good thoughts, feelings and qualities.” – Sri Sathya Sai Baba (Divine Discourse, 20 November 2001).
Thus, fostering and facilitating the education of others in the UK and abroad is an integral part of the Service Wing.
Providing Stationery Rucksacks for Children in Syria
The learning and education needs of children in war torn areas are often hit the hardest and Syria is one of the places where this is very visible.
Supporting Samara’s Aid Appeal, volunteers from Regions 2, 3, 4 and 5 used Leicester as a base to pack 33,000 items of stationery including: books, pencils, pencil cases and rucksacks. These were then sent to children in Syria in September 2023.
Stationery Packs to Villages in India Through Journey to Sai
Education is also vital to villages across the world in peaceful times too.
As part of the “Journey to Sai” National Pilgrimage in 2023, the Sri Sathya Sai Organisation UK incorporated an Educare component.
Over 452 stationery packs were delivered to children in schools and villages around the Sri Sathya Sai Baba Ashram, Prashanti Nilayam in Puttaparthi located in the state of Andhra Pradesh, India.