The Global Golden Gift
Sathya Sai Prema Tharu is a global tree planting gift to the world with the goal to plant 10 million trees worldwide by 23 November 2025. This important date marks the 100th birthday of Sri Sathya Sai Baba and the programme was launched during the 97th birthday celebrations in Prashanti Nilayam, in Puttaparthi. Prema Tharu means the Tree (tharu) of Love (prema) and this dovetails beautifully into the message and mission of Sri Sathya Sai Baba of ‘Love All, Serve All’ with a focus on mother nature.
With great foresight, Sri Sathya Sai Baba pointed out the problem and provided the solution over 30 years ago:
“Because there is deforestation to an alarming extent, the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has considerably increased. Therefore, the remedy for this situation is intensive afforestation – growing trees everywhere and protecting the existing ones without destroying them for other purposes.”
– Sri Sathya Sai Baba (January 21 1993)
This golden birthday gift goes to the heart of tackling the climate crisis which is made worse by years of deforestation. Being one of the most important and life-changing initiatives of our time, the planet will enjoy the benefits of millions of trees as we unite in aforestation.
The UK's Golden Actions
Within the UK, the Sri Sathya Organisation has embraced this gift with great enthusiasm and energy. Recognising its contribution to future generations and how we should take individual and collective action, Sri Sathya Sai Prema Tharu planting is happening all over the country. Keen adults, young adults and children are all involved whether that is planting in their own back garden or planting with others from their Sai Centre or Group.
On regional and national planting days between 30 and 75 volunteers respectively spend up to 6 hours of the day planting hundreds of trees as you can see in the photos below.
If you would like to find out more about how you can get involved in Sri Sathya Sai Prema Tharu, please click here
Serving Those Without Homes
Sai Centres and Groups across the length and breadth of the UK are passionate about devoting their time and efforts towards fellow members of society who no longer have a permanent home. Many who find themselves in vulnerable situations and have lost their homes struggle with everyday provisions that we take for granted.
As a result, this activity ranges from providing care packages with essential items and toiletries in them, to sleeping bags, warm clothes and food.
In some areas, there are also designated days in the monthly calendar where hot food is served on the street in towns and cities. These meals are eaten there and then with takeaway containers available for those who want to take extra supplies to their bed for the night.
Beyond that, offering emotional support via a friendly, caring face that is willing to listen to them is really valuable too.
Food Bank Donations
There is also hidden poverty in UK society amongst those who may have homes but are in difficult circumstances financially. Struggling to make ends meet these days, many resort to food banks to keep their loved ones from starvation and/or ill health.
Sai Centres and Groups regularly donate essential, long life provisions to food banks to support this group of society.