“Engage yourselves in service activity. Consider social service as service to God. This is the best way to earn God’s Love. Love all and serve all. Your entire life will be sanctified thereby.”
(Sathya Sai Speaks; Vol 22, Ch : 23 July 1989)
What is the Service Wing?
Service forms the backbone of the Sri Sathya Sai Organisation both in the UK and across the world. Sathya Sai Baba says true service is selfless and creates no distinction between the person who is serving and the one being served. Humans owe a great debt to the society which nurtures them from birth until death. The service wing provides opportunities to repay that debt in the most impactful and loving way. The Love in Action mindset which flows through the service wing makes rendering service a natural force for positive change in society.
True service is offered without expecting any reward or fame in return. In other words, it is selfless service coupled with the willingness to make sacrifices of time, effort, and funds for the good of others.
How does the Service Wing benefit those involved?
In essence, service boosts spirituality – it widens our vision to see the divine in everyone and especially those who are being served.
Service increases the emotional connection between the self and with others. Humility comes to the forefront as the ego is subdued when engaged in service. Of course, compassion, sympathy and empathy during service activities amplifies the joy of serving for both the giver and receiver.
The service wing is responsible for making such opportunities available across the UK. Enabling devotees of all ages to give back to society and develop spiritually
What are the typical activities of the Service Wing?
At the very heart of the Sri Sathya Sai Organisation, the service wing has very wide-reaching activities. Across its 5 main streams, it combines care and respect for nature, human beings and animals not just in the UK, but also in other parts of the world on a very regular basis.
How can I find out more about the Service Wing?
For further information, please contact service@srisathyasai.org.uk or a Sri Sathya Sai Centre near you on the Find a Centre page.