Society nurtures humans in countless different ways. All of these are integral to our ongoing progress on the path to self-transformation. Service to society is thus one way of repaying the debt humans owe to society.
As Sri Sathya Sai Baba explained in straightforward terms:
“Born in society, brought up in society, educated by society and deriving countless benefits from society, what are you doing for society? Social service should be regarded as an expression of gratitude to society for what it has done for us. Without society we cannot survive.” – Sri Sathya Sai Baba (Divine Discourse, 23 March 1989).
Donating food for those in need
Nourishment of the physical body is vital and all humans have a right to eat nutritious food which will sustain and maintain their health. Thus feeding the hungry is a must.
Doing so is more than just providing physical food for the recipient but also a personal, family and community commitment and spiritual practice (sadhana). Believing that there is divinity inherent in all humans, feeding others also equates to feeding the divine.
Many Sai Centres and Groups across the UK regularly donate food to those in need and/or have no permanent home. Also known as narayan seva, this can take the form of donating regularly to food banks or cooking hot food and distributing it amongst those in need.
Nationally, 400 kg of food was provided via kind-hearted voluntary donations as part of the National Birthday Celebrations of Sri Sathya Sai Baba during 2023. This was lovingly donated to “Sandbach’s Churches Together Food Bank”.
Across the UK, many volunteers knit baby clothes for infants out of the generosity of their hearts. Most recently and on a large scale, these were donated to families in Puttaparthi, Andhra Pradesh, India during the National Pilgrimage “Journey to Sai” in 2023.
‘Bundles of Joy’ baby packs
Delivering essentials to those in need
For those in need and/or without a permanent home, food donations are important but so are other donations. Volunteers across the country regularly donate clothes, toiletries and other essential items for distribution to those who need them most.
Twice a year, the Sri Sathya Sai Organisation UK donates care packages for the citizens of Moldova. During the summer months, large food parcels are collected. During the winter months, shoe boxes are filled with stationery, small clothing items (e.g. socks, hats and gloves) and little treats for the children. These are then wrapped and driven to Moldova by volunteers as gifts from the UK.
Convoys of donations to Moldova
Partnership to donate an ambulance
The Sri Sathya Sai Organisation UK also works in partnership with other Sai Organisations around the world to increase the benefits that sociocare can provide.
Working closely with Sri Sathya Sai Global Council Foundation, Inc. USA in 2022, the Sri Sathya Sai Organisation UK jointly donated an ambulance. It was equipped with a stretcher, blue light siren, and sufficient medical apparatus to provide urgent care to the injured.
Once the crisis in Moldova is over, the ambulance will be donated to a local hospital in the country.