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Sai Inspires

Sai Inspires

We often hear that equanimity is the sign of spiritual progress and attainment. What is this state of equanimity truly? Bhagawan speaks of five different fields in which equanimity has to be cultivated, and today, He explains the first two.

Yoga means union, the union of the self with its source. Samatvam Yogam Uchyate (equal-mindedness is what yoga means, says the Gita). We can distinguish five fields in the attainment of this Samatvam: (1) The field of naturally occurring ups and downs (Prakritika): One has to welcome both summer and winter, for they are both essential for the process of living. The alternation of seasons toughens and sweetens us. Birth and death are both natural events. We cannot discover the reason for either birth or death. They simply happen. We try to blame some person or some incident for the injury or loss we suffer, but the real reason is our own karma (action). When the background of the event is known, the impact can be lessened or even negated. (2) The field of social ups and downs: One must welcome with equal-mindedness fame and blame, respect and ridicule, profit and loss, and other such responses and reactions from society in which one grows and struggles. Fortune is as much a challenge to one's equanimity as misfortune!

- Divine Discourse, Sep 07, 1985.