Previous Events and Activities


Previous Events

January 2024

National Office Bearers and Active Workers Conference 2024

The National Office Bearers and Active Workers Conference 2024 brought together devotees across the UK, in what was an uplifting event filled with a blend of energetic bhajans, enlightening talks and interactive sessions.

Swami’s message underscored the notion that merely chanting God’s name without engaging in selfless service is futile. ‘What mistake is there in serving God or society?’ Swami preaches. ‘Without serving anybody, if you go on repeating God’s name, it is all useless.’ Therein lies the message that reverberated throughout the conference: service. What better way to serve than through the roles with which Swami has entrusted us, as His divine instruments, in His name and with His divine mission of love?


Young Adults Nature Walk

Young Adults from several regions and geographies joined together in the beautiful landscape of Rutland Water Nature Reserve. The day started with the spiritual upliftment that chanting Aums in the fresh air brings. This was followed by the main event i.e. the peaceful hour-long walk around the lake. Exchanging experiences and ideas along the way, friendships blossomed and new connections were made as the walk transformed from a physical activity into a spiritual and emotional journey.

May 2023


Swami’s Birthday 2023

The most joyous festivities of our Lord Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba’s
98th birthday was held in Sandbach, Cheshire. With devotees from across
the UK in attendance, it was a wonderful occasion filled with music, drama,
a panel discussion and, of course, cake!
After the National President’s welcome address, the Bal Vikas children of
Region 5 delighted us in a drama which brought to life Swami’s quote, “Life
is a game, play it… .” The children took us through the quote highlighting to
us the challenges of life and how Swami and His teachings are there to
guide us along the way.
Our guest speaker Brother Jagdish Chandra Saraswatula, who has had
the fortune of being in close proximity to Swami and to speak in front of
Swami, then shared with us his thoughts, experiences and stories. Whilst
he could not be with us in person, his two-part message through his
videos was clear: that to have a deep, intense yearning is fundamental to
realising our purpose, which is to realise Swami’s teachings and ultimately
avoid being born again; to be released from samsara. We need discip


Sri Sathya Sai Organisation United Kingdom CIO is registered as a Charity in England and Wales. Registration number 1207697.

The Sri Sathya Sai Organisation founded by Sathya Sai Baba, today has a presence in over 167 countries in the world and members undertake group service activities that benefit their immediate community. His message of ‘Brotherhood of Man and the Fatherhood of God’ is a spiritual salve that will lead mankind from the darkness of ignorance to the light of immortality.