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12th-14th July 2024

Sri Sathya Sai Global Council Young Adult Conference

During July 2024, the next Global Council Young Adults Conference will be held. Attracting hundreds of youth from around the world, it is destined to be a momentous and inspiring occasion that fosters change and transformation of the Young Adult attendees. As is often the case, the benefits halo expands beyond the Conference to all those Young Adults engage with in their own countries when they return.

Please click on the poster above if you want to find out more about this historic event.

“The future of the country depends on the skill and the sincerity of the youth. Therefore, the necessary enthusiasm and encouragement must be generated among the youth. All my hopes are based on the students, the youth. They are very dear to me”. – Sri Sathya Sai Baba, (Sri Sathya Sai Speaks Volume 13 Chapter 1)

Sri Sathya Sai Baba has always underlined the importance of having exemplary Young Adults who have a strong character foundation in human values. They can then shape and serve society for the progress of humanity in years to come. Knowing that individuals inspire each other immensely, the Sri Sathya Sai Organisation has convened a number of World Conferences over the years aimed at Young Adults.


The SSSGC – YALST is a uniquely motivating global leadership course designed with Young Adults (18-35 years of age) in mind.

Given its global nature, the programme content is mainly delivered in English across 7 modules and 14 x 90 minute online sessions. The course sessions are held on alternate weekends for 25 weeks with the final residential session in Sri Sathya Sai Baba’s Ashram in  Prasanthi Nilayam, in the village of Puttaparthi.

Anchored in the life, spirituality, education and service drive of Sri Sathya Sai Baba, the course motivates and supports attendees in many different and valuable ways. They learn from the precious anecdote incidents in Sri Sathya Sai Baba’s life, obtain wider practical tips, undertake thought provoking activities and engage with expert guest speakers and facilitators across core course components.


12th-14th July 2024

Sri Sathya Sai Global Council – Young Adults Leadership Programme for Self-transformation 2024 (SSSGC – YALST)

As a result, the course brings out the essence of being a leader with a set of practical and spiritual tools for self development, self management and self transformation.

As the 2024 cohort has already enrolled and the course is underway, if you are interested in registering for 2025, you can find out more by clicking on the pdf link here [ADD LINK].

“A Moment With Sai”

The UK Young Adults are leading the production of an important national initiative entitled “A Moment with Sai”. This special offering aims to record and archive experiences, teachings and messages from devotees of all ages and backgrounds.

During their short 5-7 minute videos, devotees share the wisdom they have gathered from Sri Sathya Sai Baba and key turning point events in their own lives. To see the latest “A Moment With Sai” episode please click here [ADD LINK].


Sri Sathya Sai Organisation United Kingdom CIO is registered as a Charity in England and Wales. Registration number 1207697.

The Sri Sathya Sai Organisation founded by Sathya Sai Baba, today has a presence in over 167 countries in the world and members undertake group service activities that benefit their immediate community. His message of ‘Brotherhood of Man and the Fatherhood of God’ is a spiritual salve that will lead mankind from the darkness of ignorance to the light of immortality.