Bal Vikas - Sai Spiritual Education Wing


What is the Sai Spiritual Education (SSE) or Bal Vikas Wing?

The SSE or Bal Vikas Wing is a uniquely designed children’s educational and spiritual development programme. Run by dedicated and specially trained teachers, it aims to foster character development, human values and spiritual transformation in children aged 4–17 years. Indeed, the term Bal Vikas means blossoming of the child and thousands of children around the globe enjoy the benefits of SSE every week.

How does the Sai Spiritual Education Wing benefit those involved?

Sri Sathya Sai Baba clearly explains:

“The ideal of the Bal Vikas is to raise a generation of boys and girls who have a clean and clear conscience. Bal Vikas is the primary basis of the great movement to restore dharma (righteousness) in the world. The young minds of children are not polluted and hence they can be led into good ways of living, simplicity, humility and discipline.” (Sathya Sai Speaks: Vol 14, Ch 3: 06 June 1978)

By doing so, SSE draws out the finest qualities in a child, enabling their personality to develop into the best they can be as an adult. The children of today become the torchbearers of tomorrow’s society through this path of self-enquiry and self-discovery. They develop self-confidence, powers of critical thinking, listening to their inner voice, tolerance, and awareness of the divine presence.

One of the primary routes to help children blossom is by anchoring them in the five basic human values which are universal and central to many world religions as well as the Sri Sathya Sai Organisation: love, truth, right conduct, peace, and non-violence.

SSE also attaches great importance to supporting parents in nurturing and reiterating the learnings from the classes. As main caregivers, parents are custodians of children and have the primary responsibility to mould the character of these special young souls.

Children from all walks of life and backgrounds are welcome to participate in SSE, irrespective of whether they belong to a Sai Centre or not.

What are the typical activities of the Sai Spiritual Education Wing?

All activities are carefully designed to help children develop into rounded and self-confident individuals who fulfil their latent potential.

Simple and intuitive teaching techniques and activities are used such as prayers, storytelling, group work, group devotional singing or bhajans, dramas and meditation.

How can I find out more about the Sai Spiritual Education Wing?

For further information, please contact [Sai Spiritual Education National Coordinator link] or a Sri Sathya Sai Centre near you [Find a Centre link].

Useful resources and links

Student enrolment form:

Admin portal for teachers, including online resources and centre data:


Sri Sathya Sai Organisation United Kingdom CIO is registered as a Charity in England and Wales. Registration number 1207697.

The Sri Sathya Sai Organisation founded by Sathya Sai Baba, today has a presence in over 167 countries in the world and members undertake group service activities that benefit their immediate community. His message of ‘Brotherhood of Man and the Fatherhood of God’ is a spiritual salve that will lead mankind from the darkness of ignorance to the light of immortality.