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Sai Inspires

Sai Inspires

Why is the mind of man today filled with worries and restlessness? Bhagawan explains an important point with apt and beautiful examples today.

A jasmine flower is placed on a table in a room. The flower, which is gross, is small in size. But its fragrance, which is subtle, pervades the whole room. Likewise, the steam generated from water, occupies a much larger space than the volume of water from which it is produced. The mind of man, because of its extreme subtlety, is capable of immense expansion. Because of the senses, the mind has attraction for a variety of objects and persons. When these objects fill the mind, its expansiveness gets reduced. It is only when attraction from these objects is reduced that the mind can achieve expansion. If today man is filled with worries and has no peace of mind, it is because his mind is filled with innumerable desires. The world cannot be blamed for man's mental state. Nor can family life be held responsible for man's bondage. You bind yourself to Nature and family by your attachments and desires. To withdraw yourselves from these attachments and to reduce your subjection to the external world, you must practice control over your eyes, ears and tongue!

- Divine Discourse, Mar 13, 1988.